Parents Safeguarding

How Parents Can Help Keep Young People Safe from Extremism –

Educate Against Hate Blog click here


Here are some resources to help discuss and support young people with the invasion of the Ukraine.

How and when to talk to children about war, according to a parenting expert (Independent)

How to cope with traumatic news – an illustrated guide (ABC News, Australia)

Talking with Children About War and Violence in the World (Family Education, US)

Tips for parents and caregivers on media coverage of traumatic events (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, US)

How to talk to your teenager about the invasion of Ukraine (BBC Bitesize/Anna Freud Centre)

How To Talk To Your Child About The War In Ukraine (YoungMinds)

Worrying about Russia and Ukraine (Childline)

Worrying about war and conflict Sarah Dove (Phoenix Education Consultancy)

Below you will find a range of resources and links for Online Safety and Mental Health

Stop It Now – Harmful Sexual Behaviour Prevention Toolkit


The Things I wish my Parents had known – about online sexual harassment

The Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza DBE, has recently published a guidance document for parents helping to support them to understand online sexual harassment. It is a sensitive topic, and not one all parents feel comfortable discussing with their children.

The commissioner’s team brought together a group of 16 – 21 year olds and asked them talk about what they think parents should know, and what they should say to their children when talking about sexualised bullying and the pressures of growing up online. 

Key advice from the young adults in the focus groups included: 

  • Start conversations early, before your child gets a phone or social media account. Keep the conversation going over time, adapting to your child. 
  • Young people want their parents to learn about new technology and trends, including risky behaviours and dangerous spaces online. 
  • Create a safe and trusting home environment. Young people told us the home environment is key, they want to share things with their parents but don’t always feel able. 


Family Lives Charity – Building Resilience

The Family Lives charity aims to offer all parents somewhere to turn before they reach crisis point. Crisis support, provided for over 40 years through their helpline, has always been at the heart of what they do.

Family Lives also have an excellent website to help parents with the ups and downs of family life. One useful infographic is this one about building resilience in children and teens. You can download it here:

The Family Lives parents’ helpline is available Monday to Friday, 1.30 – 9pm on 0808 800 2222.

The website can be found here:

ThinkUKnow October 2021 Parent and Carer’s Online Safety at Home Newsletter

Newsletter for parents and carersDownload

App Safety

Links to other Websites for online safety resources


Mental Health Resources