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Study Programme Open Day Summer 2024

13.06.2024 – 13:00 to 16:00

Are you 16 or older and looking for a path to a fulfilling future? Then this Open Day is for YOU!

Looking to gain valuable skills and get a head start in your career?

We’re excited to invite you to explore our Study Programme Information Session – your one-stop shop for launching your dream career!

What exactly is the Study Programme? It’s a fantastic program that combines hands-on work experience with classroom learning, equipping you with the skills and knowledge employers are looking for.

Here’s what you can expect at our Open Day:

  • Learn about our Study program: Discover a variety of exciting options across different industries. Whether you’re passionate about technology, business, or something else entirely, we have something for you!
  • Meet the experts: Chat with our friendly staff and trainers who will answer all your questions about traineeships and help you find the perfect fit for your interests.
  • Get a taste of the experience: Immerse yourself in interactive activities and demonstrations that showcase what trainee life is all about.
  • Sign on the dotted line! If you find the Study Programme suits you, you can even get started on your application during the Open Day.

Why choose a Study Programme?

  • Develop essential skills: Sharpen your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities – all the things employers value most!
  • Gain real-world experience: Get valuable work experience that will make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Boost your career prospects: Traineeships are a fantastic stepping stone to an apprenticeship or full-time employment.
  • Learn and earn: Many traineeships offer a combination of learning and earning, giving you a head start in your financial independence.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! Come explore our Study programme and take the first step towards a bright future.