Prostart’s Vision:-
“Inspire excellence through commitment to our customers and partners to prepare for the best future of our community”
– E&D Mission
Strategic Aims
- To ensure equality of opportunity and promote diversity in all aspects of service delivery and employment
- To take due diligence of the Equality Act 2010 not to unlawfully discriminate protected characteristics
- To consult with and be responsive to our partners and the community we work within and recognise that their needs will be diverse
- To create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued
Prostart is committed to promoting equality for everyone in an environment in which diversity of background and experiences is valued. We believe in the right of everyone to be treated with respect and dignity. We do not tolerate any unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation or any other unsuitable conduct.
Responsibility for Equal Opportunities
The Director and Equality Lead are responsible for advice on all aspects of equal opportunities policy, and for monitoring and implementing such policies. The Equality Lead will offer support in relation to equal opportunities, research, updates and bring good practice to the attention of Management and Staff and during feedback sessions at staff meetings. They will be responsible for receiving preliminary complaints and for advising on action where appropriate. The Equality Lead with the QA Auditor and Data Analyst oversee the operation of the (EDIMS) ethnicity and disability impact measures as follows:
- Evaluating statistical data regarding applications and admissions and take positive action in initiating corporate responses to the findings.
- Evaluating internal employment data and recommending recruitment/selection techniques
- Evaluating achievement data by trends /patterns and reporting findings to Management/Staff
Within this section you will find information regarding legislation, rights and responsibilities together with interesting facts, news, links to other websites and general information.
If you have any interesting stories or updated news please contact us and we will update the web page or include in our newsletter.
Paula Vaughan – Equality and Diversity
Equality & Diversity Impact Measures
Prostart set Equality Diversity Impact Measures (EDIMs) annually based on the demographics of the areas we work in.
Progress against these targets is reviewed monthly and an annual evaluation is completed which informs the targets for the following year.
A breakdown of the data and actions are transferred to the Quality Improvement Plan which is reviewed and updated quarterly.
Rights and Responsibilities
The rights and responsibilities you have today come from a number of sources – through Acts of Parliament and law made by judges, and some from European law. Together they form the British Constitution.
It is against the law to treat someone unfairly because of who they are the key pieces of legislation which cover this:
These Acts and regulations all now form the Equality Act 2010
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
Equality Act 2006
Equal Pay Act 1970 Race Relations Act 1976
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Actual versions can be found at Office of Public Sector Information
Equality Act
The Equality Act became law in October 2010 and harmonises and replaces previous legislation. The Equality Act covers the same groups that were protected by existing equality legislation – age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity. These are now called protected characteristics. The ACAS guide – Equality Act – what’s new for employers covers this and the changes and the Equality & Human Rights Commission have good online guidance. At Prostart we aim to create an atmosphere so that everyone regardless of whether they share a protected characteristic or not have the same opportunities for learning.
This leaflet outlines Rights at Work–
The Equalities and Human Rights
Equality Act – Transgender legislation
Bullying and Harassment
At Prostart we do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment – it is a form of discrimination and is illegal.
Bullying and harassment means any unwanted behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or degraded or humiliated or offended. It is not necessarily always obvious or apparent to others, so it can happen in the workplace without an employer’s awareness.
Bullying or harassment can be between two individuals or it may involve groups of people. It might be obvious or it might be insidious. It is related to age, sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion, belief or sexual orientation and may be persistent or an isolated incident. It can also occur in written communications, by phone, email not just face-to-face actions.
Workers are sometimes harassed by third parties, such as customers or clients. Your employer should where possible protect you from such harassment and take reasonable steps to deal with any situations like this.
There is advice and support available to help you – follow the links below for specific information on these issues: – give information regarding lots of different issues including employment, money and tax, education and training as well as your rights and responsibilities.
Equality and Human Rights Commission – promote equality and human rights by providing advice and guidance.
They have a specific section for young people and a telephone helpline.
Helpline number for England: 0845 604 6610
9am – 5pm Monday to Friday
ACAS – aim is to improve organisations and working life through better employment relations.
Further learning requirements
You may require access to extra support or resources to help with your qualification, learning or for personal research. Prostart has many publications within the Resource Library which can be accessed during working hours or requests can be made to a member of staff.
There are overlays and rulers available in a variety of colours and remember most computers can be adjusted by going into the control panel and locating the ease of access section. Prostart work with:
The Dyslexia Association – who offer information and advice, screening, assessment, one to one tuition and other courses to people with dyslexia, their families, employers and educators. Sherwood House,7 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6BL T:0115 9246888
Some learners have accessed help from:
National Autistic Society – who champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and aim to provide individuals with autism and their families with help, support and services that they can access.
We also have links to:
Disability Awareness Resource Team – DART
We are all unique and as such you may require information for help or support on specific topics:
Young Minds – offer information about mental health and emotional well-being.
Stonewall – works to achieve equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people.
Derbyshire Friend – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) Specialist Support and Advocacy Services The LGB&T Pavilion Centre 2-3 Friary Street, Derby , Derbyshire, DE1 1JF
Tel: 01332 207704 Fax: 01332 207704 Minicom: 01332 349333 E-Mail: Web:
Lifeline Project – works ‘To relieve poverty, sickness and distress amongst those persons affected by addiction to drugs of any kind and to educate the public on matters relating to drug misuse.’
Frank –
National Youth Agency – work with other agencies to support and improve services for young people
All Faiths and None – Inter-Faith / Belief Educational Resource Programme to stimulate discussion, build mutual understanding, and encourage recognition of common values and unique differences.
V18 Jan 22