This document sets out Prostart Training’s approach to social value. Social value is a concept defined in the Public Services (Social Value) Act of 2013. The Act requires all public sector organisations and their suppliers to look beyond the financial cost of a contract and consider how the services that are delivered as part of a contract might improve economic, social and environment wellbeing.
The National Social Value Taskforce recommends that a Social Value Statement contains a number of key focus areas related to the five themes in the Social Value Model (December 2020) *. These are reflected in the numbered section headings in this document.
* Social-Value-Model-Edn-1.1-3-Dec-20.pdf (
Prostart Training’s Vision: Inspire excellence through commitment to our customers & partners to prepare the best future for our community.
Our Values:
- Learner focused, we aim to achieve the highest ambition and standards for our learners
- Quality Driven, we aim for the highest standards in our delivery using initiative to find creative solutions ensuring continuous improvement through critical self-evaluation and action.
- Safety Orientated, provide support to ensure a caring, safe and inclusive environment
Our values reflect our organisation and how we operate and interact with ourselves and others. Prostart Training aims to add value to the social, economic and wellbeing of our community through the following key areas.
Key Areas
- Inclusion
Our Governance Team provides a strong focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Prostart Training is committed to developing, supporting, and sustaining a diverse workforce and creating a working environment where everyone is able to do their job to the best of their ability without having to face discrimination, harassment, or victimisation. We are also committed to delivering education and training in a manner that recognises, respects, and responds to the diversity of the people to whom we provide our training services, working with vulnerable groups to enable inclusion and participation;
in addition to providing important educational and support resources. The Governance Team monitors our staff and learner data to ensure that we are meeting our Equality Diversity Impact Measure targets for people from minority and underrepresented backgrounds. We monitor and report on our Equality Diversity Impact Measures monthly with an annual summary and have done since 2007.
Prostart Training has tendered and won contracts with the NHS to delivery apprenticeships and has done since 2009.
We are a signatory to the Armed Forces Covenant scheme.
We are Matrix Standard accredited for Information Advice and Guidance
We are a Disability Confident Employer and has achieved Stage 2 accreditation
Our approach supports Theme 4 of the Social Value Model, Equal opportunity.
- Investing in new skills
Staff Training; career development training and leadership programmes are available to managers and leaders in the organisation, helping them to grow and develop their personal, professional and leadership skills. Staff are supported and mandated to undertake specified Continual Professional Development commensurate with their roles, this enables staff to work to their full potential and helps facilitate their onward personal and professional development. Key staff are given protected time for mandated CPD for example, Safeguarding and Prevent.
Prostart Training deliver apprenticeships across the East Midlands to a range of organisations from the NHS to SME’s. We reflect the needs of our communities in the courses we offer to individuals and employers, enabling the development of skills and knowledge unlocking the potential of individuals by raising ambition and aspiration. Prostart work with partner organisations to deliver training and courses and contribute to the regeneration of the region through positive engagement with new and existing companies and to the local economy as an employer as well as a provider of education and training.
Prostart Training are Matrix Standard accredited for Information Advice and Guidance and have been since 2008. Prostart offers free, impartial, current and relevant Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) on opportunities for learning and work.
Prostart Training provide support to learners and apprentices to progress in both their professional development and careers, supporting them with promotions and securing permanent positions.
Our approach supports Theme 1, Covid 19 Recovery and Theme 2, Tackling Economic Inequality by developing the skill level of the current and future workforce to help create better, higher paying jobs.
- Our impact on society and the economy
Net Zero; we are aiming to be Net Zero for Pillar 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, and for Pillar 3 by 2038. We are taking immediate action to off-set carbon from necessary business travel, moving to renewable energy and reducing paper by moving to online systems.
We have implemented a hybrid curriculum model offering remote learning to learners. We offer a flexible approach to employers and learners can either join timetables currently in place or we can produce a timetable fit for a cohort of learners producing cohort timetables to fit with their employer/industry needs reducing travel requirements.
Our approach supports our commitment to Theme 1 – COVID-19 recovery and Theme 3 of the Social Value Model, Fighting Climate Change, effective stewardship of the environment.
- Looking after our people
Our Westfield Health Programme is available to all staff. This provides cover towards the costs associated with routine healthcare such as prescriptions, glasses, dental treatment and therapy treatments.
Prostart Training pays an amount per week for level 2 cover towards the plan and additional contributions can be paid for an upgrade to level 3 or cover for a partner can be made directly.
We recognise that paying attention to workplace Mental Health has never been more important and
support the Mental Health at Work Commitment. Resources are available through Westfield and the Staff Information Padlet. We conduct an annual Wellbeing survey and provide ongoing opportunities to raise issues through a relatively flat organisational structure with approachable leadership. Clear whistleblowing processes are in place where concerns can be raised without fear of negative consequences for the individual raising the concerns
Additional holiday allowances are in place to recognise length of service milestones. Our hybrid working model allows staff to work remotely Flexible working also supports colleagues from a wider set socioeconomic groups as it can help colleagues to balance caring responsibilities etc.
Our approach supports Theme 5, Wellbeing, Improve Health and wellbeing
Achievements and benefits
Achievement of Stage 2 accreditation as a Disability Confident Employer
Matrix Standard accreditation for Information Advice and Guidance
82% of apprentices achieved Distinction in 22/23
92% apprentices have progressed into a positive destination (includes FE or paid employment)
Publication Date: January 2024
Review Date: January 2025
Approved By: Denise Newcomb, Managing Director