Prostart Learner Megan has written a statement about finally achieving her math’s level 2 after previous struggles at school and college.
My struggles with Maths started in Primary School, it was a subject I didn’t enjoy and couldn’t understand. I found myself questioning why I could never answer “harder” questions within my class and often sat quietly and confused. This continued throughout my years at Primary, and then became even more of a struggle when I went up to Secondary School. I sat my CATS exams at Secondary to see which sets I would be in for each class, when my results came through, I ended up qualifying for set 4 which was the second lowest set for Maths. After spending 3 years in this set we had exams to see if we had made any progress, unexpectedly I did well in my exam and was put into a set higher which at the time felt like a huge step in the right direction and boosted my confidence with Maths a lot.
I began my new lessons in a higher set and felt I could possibly achieve my GCSE pass mark as I was beginning to make sense of certain subjects, I previously had found challenging. However, my teacher at the time was unwell and began to miss lessons and the lessons often were covered by agency teachers. I started to go back to disengaging in lessons and found having multiple different cover teachers confused me even more, this was due to the teachers showing us new methods I wasn’t used to. I didn’t feel comfortable to let them know I was struggling as I didn’t know them very well.
GCSE’s arrived and when I received my results, I had failed my exam and received a grade D. This caused complications for my future college course I was taking after school and meant I had to resit this in college. Again, throughout college I struggled with my lessons, didn’t engage, and had no interest at all in attending. I completed and passed two NVQ’s after 2 years at college, but again I failed Maths both times only receiving D grades
Fast forward to 7 years after leaving school, and I began my new job within the NHS and started my Level 3 in Business Administration with Prostart. I was extremely deflated to learn I would once again need to resit my Maths, but this time could not pass my overall NVQ without achieving this. Adam has been amazing and patient whilst teaching me over the past year, my confidence has grown immensely with Maths, and I have found myself answering questions I would normally deem “too difficult” and skip the page. I never imagined I would ever pass my Maths, but I am so happy that Adam continuously worked with me despite my tears and frustrations to finally achieve my Maths. I confidently know now I can progress with my qualification and any other higher qualifications I wish to take.
Thank you Adam!
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