Statement of Service

Accessibility and Visibility

Prostart Training offers you free, impartial, current and relevant Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) on opportunities for learning and work.

Professional, Knowledgeable and Enabling

Friendly and professional staff provide the service; our qualified staff take are committed to ensuring that your enquires are given the highest priority.

Awareness and Effective Connections

The service is designed to help you:

  • Understand what opportunities are available to you
  • Find ways of overcoming barriers which may obstruct your learning and employment opportunities
  • Understand more about yourself, what you are capable of achieving and the time it will take
  • Understand the support that is available to you
  • Feel more confident and empowered to make decisions about the best route for you to take

We aim to make you aware of all the services that are useful to you and we offer signposting to other organisations outside of Prostart where required, including Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Colleges and Training Providers.

Availability, Quality Delivery and Diversity

We offer the following range of services:

  • A range of diagnostic assessments to identify your learning needs and career choice
  • Once on a Prostart programme group sessions are available for personal development including CV writing and Job Search
  • Information Advice and Guidance throughout your programme through the Quality and Progress Review and Assessment visits
  • Information advice and guidance at the end of your programme to identify progression opportunities

Impartial, Friendly Welcoming and Responsive

What you can expect from us:

  • Friendly, approachable, polite staff that will listen to you and give you impartial IAG
  • Records kept in line with the Data Protection Act
  • Guidance that is relevant and available to you whatever your ethnic background, sexual orientation, Religious beliefs, abilities, age or gender
  • Alternate locations available for interviews with disabled access and information available in different formats on request

What we will expect from you

  • To attend all interviews, which have been arranged with Prostart staff, on time.
  • Please let us know if you need to cancel or re-arrange
  • To be honest and open with us, and work towards meeting your agreed aims

How to contact us

  • Prostart – telephone 0115 9468182* and ask for a member of the Recruitment Team
  • E-mail us at or visit our website at
  • Guidance interviews available by appointment only.

* This service is available Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

Client Feedback on IAG services

To help us to continuously improve our IAG service we value your suggestions, comments, compliments or complaints. Please fill in a ‘Have your say card’ available at Prostart and return it to The Recruitment Team, 28 High Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 1LL

To help us to continuously improve our IAG service we value your suggestions, comments, compliments or complaints. Please fill in a ‘Have your say card’ available at Prostart and return it to The Recruitment Team, 28 High Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 1LL

Your complaint will usually be dealt with within 10 working days in accordance with Prostarts Compliments & Complaints Policy & Procedure, a copy of which can be provided on request or found on our website: –

Our Recruitment Information Advice and Guidance Policy can be found here

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Feedback Charter

Give us your views and help us to provide the service you want …

 The Prostart Training Feedback Charter

This outlines our commitment to you as a learner and the level of service we aim to provide. Copies are posted around the buildings.

To give us feedback about any aspect of our service you can:

Complete a ‘Have your say’ Card

If you wish to give a compliment, make a complaint or put forward a suggestion, complete a ‘Have your say’ card (available at Prostart).  It is also available on out website:

All comments are recorded through our feedback system

Speak to a member of staff directly

Talk to any member of staff who is involved in the area about which you wish to comment. This includes your course tutor or office staff. If you have a problem they may be able to resolve it immediately or they will be able to refer you to someone who can help. They will ensure that your points or comments are recorded through our feedback system.

Put it in writing or telephone your comments

You can write or email us at: Prostart, 28 The High Street, Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire, NG10 1LL

Email: , via our or Telephone: 0115 9468182

If you require a response to your feedback

We will ensure that you receive this as soon as possible. All complaints are dealt with quickly, fairly and sympathetically. Your complaint will be passed to the relevant member of staff to be investigated and you will be given an honest response. Compliments and suggestions as well as complaints are recorded and copied to relevant staff.

All feedback will be taken seriously

Whether formal or informal we value all feedback about our service. Strictest confidence will be maintained if this is appropriate to the case.

All feedback is recorded

We record and analyse all feedback and actions required. We pass on all positive feedback. We publish information about the feedback we receive in our newsletter.

What happens next?

We will acknowledge your correspondence within 10 working days

We will send you a full response within 20 working days

If it is not possible to resolve your case within this time we will inform you of what Prostart plans to do and when.

What happens if you are not satisfied with the response?

Thereafter you may refer the issue to the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). A member of staff will provide you with the address should this be necessary.

We hope that most problems will be resolved before this action is necessary.

What you can expect

There are various outcomes depending on the nature of your feedback but here are some examples:

  • Thanks for taking time to give us feedback
  • Your positive comments will be forwarded
  • An apology if we are in the wrong
  • A full explanation of the situation
  • The action to be taken to put things right

We want you to be satisfied with our service

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Information Advice and Guidance about Apprenticeships

For General Information about Apprenticeships please look at the Guide and Website below.

A Guide to Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships Explained

Support Services

SEND Services Nottingham City Council

SEND Services Derbyshire County Council