Carbon Reduction Plan


    This document sets out Prostart Training’s overarching approach to reducing carbon emissions by defining the current position and proposed next steps.  

    Prostart recognises that it has a legal obligation to become Carbon Neutral (Net Zero) by the year 2050, as defined in the Climate Change Act 2008.  In response to this legal obligation Prostart is committing to become Carbon Neutral by 2038 for direct emissions (scope 1 and 2) combined with a desire of achieving this position by 2030.

    This plan tackles Scope 1 and 2 emissions, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, relating to direct and indirect emissions from owned or controlled sources and purchased energy.

    Prostart is to use academic year 2022/23 as the baseline year for calculating the amount of Carbon emitted by the organisation. Prostart is to set the optimistic target of becoming Carbon Neutral, for direct emissions, by the year 2038.


    In addition to adhering to the Climate Change Act 2008 and subsequent directives issued on the need to reduce the worlds carbon emissions, Prostart Training has a moral duty to do their part to combat the global warming crisis.


    Directives from government indicate that the preferred date for becoming carbon neutral should be before 2030. Nottingham City Council have set themselves the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2028. As part of the Nottingham community Prostart should aim for a similar status.

    The desired objective for Prostart is to reduce direct (scope 1 & 2) carbon emissions by 100% by 2030 and to endeavour to reduce scope 3 emissions when practically reasonable possible.

    A reasonable objective for Prostart is to reduce direct (scope 1 & 2) carbon emissions by 100% by 2038, using 2022/23 as the baseline measurement year.

    Carbon emissions in the baseline year

    As can be seen from the table and breakdown below the total CO2e across Prostart for 2022/23:-

    Emissions AreaStatusDescriptionFor ProstartTotal Carbon Emissions 22/23
    Scope 1In scope 2038Direct greenhouse emissions from sources controlled or owned by ProstartGas Mileage  3288 1806 Total =5094
    Scope 2In scope 2038Indirect greenhouse emissions from electricity purchased (fuels to generate electricity)Electricity1218
    Scope 3Out of scopeIndirect from activities outside of the organisation from sources not owned or controlledTravel by studentsNot quantified
    Total6312 kg CO2e =6.312 tonnes CO2e

    Actions we have taken:-

    Waste Reduction and Recycling

    Introduced recycling schemes for paper, plastic and electronic waste

    Encourage double sided printing and use of digital documents to minimise paper usage

    Provide glasses and coffee cups to staff and learners to reduce plastic waste

    Sustainable Transportation

    Encourage use of public transport (tram/ buses), cycling or walking by providing information to staff and students

    Digital Transformation

    Introduced & expanded online training to reduce the need for physical materials and travel

    Implemented cloud-based solutions to reduce the need for physical servers and improve energy efficiency

    Encourage innovation among staff and learners

    Regularly review the carbon reduction plan to incorporate new technologies and practices


    Collaborate with local businesses and educational institutions to provide online training options and shared spaces for training

    Share best practice and learn from others to foster a collective approach to environmental sustainability

    Carbon Emissions Reduction Plan Overview 2024 – 2030

    Progressing from the current position to becoming a carbon neutral is dependent on changes in operational practice/ occupant behaviour and financially driven projects that physically changes assets – looking for new premises that are more energy efficient.

    Carbon Reduction Short Term Plan (2021 to 2025)

    A four step programme is to be introduced which if fully implemented could reduce the Prostarts CO2 emissions

    Step 1

    Switch to buying electric from a green supplier.

    Step 2

    Change the behaviour of building users’. Staff and learners need to take responsibility for lowering energy and water consumption by acting appropriately. An education programme is to be launched which encourages staff and students to save energy and water by:

    Turning electrical devices off when not in use,

    • Not leaving monitors, on standby when not in use
    • Turning lights off when the room is not in use,
    • Turning down the heating whenever possible,
    • Reporting faulty heating or lighting assets to the Estates Helpdesk
    • Etc.

    Step 3

    Continue to reduce staff travel through online training resources

    Step 4

    Focus on finding more energy efficient premises

    Carbon Reduction Medium Term Plan (2025 to 2038)

    The short to medium term plan is to relocate to more efficient modern premises which will move away from heating generated by fossil fuels to a more energy efficient building.

    Scope 3 emissions

    Going forward Prostart will continue to work on the various strands which contribute towards scope 3 emissions, including working reducing travel to and from Prostart by staff, students and visitors.


    Baseline year scope 1 emissions 5094 kg CO2e

    Baseline year scope 2 emissions 1218 kg CO2e

    Baseline year scope 3 emissions Not quantified


    The delivery of this Carbon Management Plan will be monitored by the Operations Team. From 2024 an annual progress report will be issued.


    The MD has overall responsibility and accountability for achieving compliance with Carbon Management legislation.

    Definitions of Scopes

    TermDefinitionExampleIncluded in 2038 Carbon Zero plan?
    Scope 1Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sourcesNatural gas Petrol Diesel LPG Refrigerants Biomass (release of GHGs through the combustion process, excluding CO2) Transport (business)Yes
    Scope 2Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energyElectricity (location based and market based)Yes
    Scope 3Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissionsTransport (commuting) Procurement of goods and services Waste water treatment Waste collection/treatmentNo


    The Carbon Reduction Plan was approved January 2024. It sets out the current position with respect to carbon emissions and the plan for reducing these.

    Relevant Policies

    Environmental Policy

    Risk Management Implications

    Impact on learners/curriculumPRO 2 – Risk that the Prostart fails to meet expectations of stakeholders and regulators
    Human Resourcesn/a
    Legal/ Statutory CompliancePRO 2 – Risk that Prostart fails to meet expectations of stakeholders and regulators
    Equality & Diversity/ Safeguardingn/a
    ReputationalPRO 2 – Risk that Prostart fails to meet expectations of stakeholders and regulators

    Signed:                                                                                                                    Date: 11.1.24

    Managing Director

    Review Date: January 2025