Information Advice and Guidance Policy

Prostart is committed to an effective recruitment process for Apprentices & learners in line with the criteria of occupational area(s), based on the suitability of the individual, without any form of discrimination. Prostart will achieve this by providing impartial IAG about Prostart with signposting to other organisation where required, without any form of discrimination. Prostart will achieve this through the implementation and review of the IAG policy and procedures. These will be reviewed annually by the Managing Director, Recruitment Team, Employers and Apprentices & Learners.



Information is data on learning and work opportunities conveyed through printed matter, audio-visual materials or computer software, or through personal advisors or other helpline services such as learn direct.


Advice is providing an immediate response to the needs of learner’s who present an enquiry or reveal a need that requires more than a straightforward information response. It is usually limited to helping with the interpretation of information and with meeting needs already clearly understood by the learner and may or may not include signposting to a guidance interview where a more in-depth response can be provided.


Guidance is an in-depth interview or other activity conducted by a trained member of staff which helps learner’s to explore a range of options, to relate information to their own needs and circumstances and to make decisions about their career (i.e. their progression in learning and work).


To ensure that Apprentices & learners receive the relevant IAG to enable them to identify their abilities, career aims and objectives and make informed realistic decisions about their next steps. To match potential Apprentices & learners to relevant programmes and employment opportunities to enable them to improve their knowledge and skills, achieve recognised qualifications and further their career aims.


Prostart is committed to ensuring that accurate and up to date IAG about Prostart Training and impartial IAG about alternative opportunities are given to Apprentices & learners by trained staff. Prostart is fully committed to equality of opportunity to ensure the learner selection processes are fair, efficient and accountable.

Accessibility to IAG

The Statement of Service and Feedback Charter are issued to every learner in the induction handbook. Information is available in the following formats: – Marketing literature/ leaflets and on the Prostart Website. The statement of service is available in alternative formats on request.

Responsibility for IAG

The Head of Business Development, Recruitment & Induction Lead is responsible for ensuring that marketing literature is updated.

Review & Evaluation Procedures

Marketing literature is reviewed and evaluated on an ongoing basis by the Head of Business Development, Recruitment & Induction Lead .

Implementation Procedures

-Advertisements are placed as required on the AV system, in local newspapers, our newsletter, vacancy list, Nottingham Jobs and sent to local job centres to advertise vacancies and / or training courses.

-Referrals to the programme are contacted by telephone to make arrangements for interview and initial assessment which will ascertain the level of programme suitable for the learner.

-Potential Apprentices & learners and employers that contact or are referred to Prostart will be recorded on the First Contact database (Apprentices & learners).

-Once Apprentices & learners have been interviewed they are logged on the Application and Interview database which logs feedback about their IAG experience.

-Prostart will provide potential Apprentices & learners with appropriate guidance on the qualifications available from PROSTART to suit their current job role and potential development opportunities. The Recruitment Advisors will provide details of the support available to Apprentices & learners.

-Apprentices & learners that have successful interviews will be informed of the next stage of their application by a phone call and confirmation by e-mail.

-Companies who have referred Apprentices & learners will be informed of the most appropriate programme and level of support required for the learner through job analysis by the Business Development Team and higher levels are confirmed by a Learning & Skills Coach.

-Data relating to the percentage of applicants to starts is analysed by gender, ethnicity and ability within the Ethnicity & Diversity Impact Measures. 

-At the start of each programme analysis of Apprentices & learners details on application will determine a suitable assessment method from the suite of initial assessment tools to utilise and determine what support needs may be required for the learner. Apprentices & learners must achieve a minimum of 50% on BKSB initial assessments to enrol onto the programme.

-‘Have your say’ cards will be available at Prostart and are given out to potential Apprentices & learners and employers to obtain feedback.

-Feedback is recorded and analysed on a monthly basis with an annual summary report published

This policy and process is reviewed annually

V16 Jan 21 Reviewed Jan 24