This Apprenticeship has been designed to provide access to development opportunities for as wide a range of individuals as possible. This includes individuals who are at the start of their career and who wish to take their first steps into professional management, as well as those who may already have developed practical experience but who wish to develop their theoretical understanding of management skills.
An operations/departmental manager is generally someone who is able to manage teams and/or projects, and has responsibility for planning, delivering and achieving departmental goals and objectives. They are accountable to a more senior manager, head of department or small business owner, and are responsible for the operational and/or policy delivery of the organisation’s strategy.
Key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management, coaching and mentoring.
Typical job roles for this standard would be:-
- Operations Manager
- Department Manager
Membership with Chartered Management Institute / Institute of Leadership & Management
On completion, Apprentices can register as full members with the Chartered Management Institute and/or the Institute of Leadership & Management, and those with 3 years’ of management experience can apply for Chartered Manager status through the CMI.
What does this Standard consist of
Operations & Departmental Manager Standard Modules
Operational Management | Project Management | Finance |
Leading People | Managing People | Building relationships |
Communication | Self-awareness | Management of self |
Decision Making | Behaviours – Responsible | Behaviours – Inclusive |
Behaviours – Agile | Behaviours – Professionalism |
Additional Knowledge/Training
- Monthly training Sessions covering knowledge outcomes
- Monthly portfolio building days, and one-to-one support sessions
- Mock End Point Assessment sessions
- Weekly training Sessions for Functional Skills (If Applicable)
- E-Learning interactive resources, Online Portfolio, workbooks and Quiz’s
- Maths and English Level 2
- Completion of Employer Rights and Responsibilities booklet
The entry requirement for this Apprenticeship will be decided by each employer, but may typically be five GCSEs at Grade C or higher, a relevant Level 4 Apprenticeship; other relevant qualifications and experience.
The duration of this Apprenticeship is typically 20-24 months, although the exact duration will be dependent on the previous experience of the individual.
50% Professional Discussion with underpinning knowledge portfolio of work
The independent assessor will conduct and assess the professional discussion. Apprentices will have two weeks’ notice ahead of the professional discussion. The underpinning portfolio will have been submitted in line with EPAO requirements at the gateway and must evidence all of the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The independent assessor should have a minimum of 5 days to review the portfolio and can use the contents of the portfolio to identify discussion topics for the professional discussion. The professional discussion must last 60 minutes which can be increased up to 10% to allow for completion.
50% Project Proposal, work-based presentation & Questioning
Apprentices will conduct a project proposal and this may be based on any of the following:
• The need to review and implement a change plan to improve efficiency within the workplace
• The continuous improvement review of a current process, service or product
• The need to implement a direct saving (e.g. percentage decrease in direct costs, reduction in headcount) across their team, department or organisation following a reforecast activity
The list is not exhaustive – the EPAO should sign off the project proposal’s title and scope to confirm its suitability at gateway (500 words). The employer is responsible for ensuring it is a real business benefit; the EPAO is responsible for confirming it provides appropriate coverage of the KSBs, and to ensure that all the EPA related work is completed during the EPA period, the EPAO must be involved in determining the focus of the project scope and title at gateway. The project proposal starts after the apprentice has gone through the gateway.
The maximum project duration will be 12 weeks and your employer must allow sufficient time and necessary resources, within this period, to plan and undertake the work associated with the project.
20% off the job training is a mandatory requirement when completing any Apprenticeship Standard.
A timetable of sessions is available by contacting our Recruitment Team on 0115 9835823 or
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